Site Reviews

"good site, will be back...."

"Very nice layout, like the colors and has lots of information , Great job . Will bookmark this site."

"Your site has some serious formatatting problems. I know you've probably edited the html on your own but you need to do a better job. It just looks a bit broken...sorry. I know you're a virgin blogger but you should maybe just go back to a default template."
EDIT- "Okay I have to admit that looks ALOT better now :D One thing to still corrrect are the youtube vids as there weirdly spaced/layed out. Particularly the vid on "Ready for a Fun Site?" is way off the border. Anyway nice improvements. Beautiful template, and fast load. Keep up the good work :)."

"Good work take care.good luck."

"First, Sandy, let me congratulate you on your writing style and your obvious sense of humor. This blog shows great potential. I will probably revisit at some time to see how you're going. I like the sincerity of your content and I believe that you will get a following. My sincere advice to you is that you've actually found your niche -it's your blog. If you work it and constantly update it, you will build a loyal following and that's the secret to Internet Marketing ".
Mark H

"Great stuff! I am now a follower. I wish you the best of luck on these money-making sites."

"Very good posting for a first time blogger!I wish i could do the same in my first blog attempt."

"Hope to see more content in this blog. The title is really interesting. Just enjoy blogging and you should do just fine."


"Well for a virgin blogger, great blog . It was very decent . Nice content as well. Loaded really nice and quick."

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